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The main buildingSkovly is situated on a quiet and secluded site on the rim of lake Femsjøen, east of Halden. The estate contains 5,1 hectares of forest- and grass land. The beach to the lake is quite long, with good swimming possibilities. The naturist center is a pearl of nature and wildlife. If you need to get away from the city`s hush and rush,-  Skovly is the place for you.

The facilities are "Back to Nature",- with water from a well, solar-cell light only, and outdoor toilet. You can stay in the house, or in a charming cottage by the lake. Or erect your tent wherever you please on the large estate. Regretfully,- we can not accomodate Caravans or Campers because the grass lawns and dirtroad are not strong enough for the weight. Combicamps are however acceptable.

For sightseeing on a grey day, there are many interesting places in the immediate surroundings. We can mention, among them: The spectacular Brekke sluser, - the highest locks for ships in northern Europe, and the historical Halden Festning, a never invaded fort from the border wars with Sweden.

Skovly is the oldest Naturist center in Norway, purchased by organized naturists in 1968. Owned and operated by the assosiation A/L Naturistbo on a nonprofit and volunteered basis, where the shares are owned by organized naturists.

For overnigt stay, we require INF-pass.

<The jetty

The Rudolf bay