If you are cycling or driving, follow the narrow gravel road. At the entry, you will encounter a boom which is always raised when the camping site is open. Continue carefully on the gravel road.
After a pair of houses, the road swings to the left, continues straight ahead and then turns directly right to the car park.
It is not required of you to undress here, undress if you wish to, but only if this is how you and your family feel. Take out your day-at-the-beach-gear and return to where the road swung to the left.
Don’t be surprised to meet completely naked people here – the camping site is, after all, for naturists. It may feel strange at first to meet so many, so naked people moving freely around among the trees and tents and caravans. But you need not feel that you also must remove all your clothing. Clothed or not, the naked people will greet you in a perfectly natural way and continue without giving you a second glance.
Continue down towards the water and find a place on the grass which suits you. It is the same, here at the beach, there is no requirement to undress unless you feel like doing so. We see this as a way for people to test their feelings for naturism in a natural way.
We have seen families of whom only some undress the first time. The more often they come, the more clothing is taken off. It is amusing to see how gradually the idea of naturism as the most natural and pleasurable way to swim and sun bathe takes over.
We all have a natural shyness when we are naked together with other people but in the relaxed environment at our bathing places, this is soon forgotten. Some, perhaps, have a complex about their bodies. A naturist-bathing place is then the best place to visit. In all being naked, it soon becomes obvious how different we all are. There are few, if any, perfect bodies to envy here, any complexes disappear quickly, that we can promise you.
Think how good it feels just to lie there and enjoy a day of fine weather. To take a dip without the trouble of changing or the discomfort of lying there in a wet bathing costume. A great feeling – you should try it also!
Welcome to Gustavsbergs camping - even if only for a swim.
Foto: Robert Follbro.