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A little background and some history.


NBS was 75 years old 2011!

NBS is one of the oldest naturist associations in Sweden. It was founded July 12, 1936 as Nordisk Solsport.

The current association was formed summer 1975 at the Sandviken Naturist Camp. Our members were closely related to this naturist camp for several years. 

In 1986, the association had grown considerably, much due to the fact that we had one more naturist camp: Gustavsberg Naturistcamping had become ours (leased) in 1983. So, we split the association in two and the naturist association Värmlands NF was born. Värmlands NF kept Sandviken Naturistcamping and NBS stuck to Gustavsberg. 

NBS is actually older than both INF and SNF!

In 1996 at the 60 year anniversary, NBS issued a jubilee pamphlet that describes the start of the association and the years since then until 1995. It is about time that somebody writes something about what has happened since then.

NF Bergslagens Solsport and Gustavsberg have hosted several Annual Meetings, the so called Riksmöten. Lately in 2003 and 2005.

In May 2011, NBS and Gustavsberg Naturistcamping hosted the EuNat konference where 13 European naturist federations gathered. It was a great success.  

In 2008 it was 25 years since we got the opportunity to rent Gustavsberg. This was of course celebrated thoroghly! We even issued a Gustavsberg pamphlet in colour which still can be purchased at the cost of 25 SEK.

During 2010 we got a new contract with Nora municipality, securing the activities for 25 more years.