Portail Naturiste Scandinave | Carte naturistique | Dansk Naturist Union - DNU | Norsk naturistforbund - NNF | Sveriges Naturistförbund - SNF | Fédération Naturiste Internationale - INF-FNI

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The complete site consists of the main site (the portal) you are looking at right now, plus almost 50 subsites, divided in two groups: The naturist centers and campings, and the sites for the naturist federations and the associations. The main site contains information of general interest to the public. The clickable map below links you directly to the naturist beaches (yellow markers), the naturist centers and campings (green markers) and the indoor swimming events (blue markers). The middle column contains an aggregated list of events organized by the associations, among them the indoor swimming events. If you follow the links - except for the beaches - you will come to a subsite. You can always get back to this main site by clicking the link "Scandinavian Naturist Portal" to the far left in the top bar menu.
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